Day visibility
The day visibility is a method to assess road markings. It measures the luminance coefficient under diffuse illumination (day visibility) of road markings. The observation angle of 2,29° corresponds to the viewing distance of a vehicle driver of 30 m under normal conditions. The illumination must be diffused light.
Retroreflectometer with memory for determining the retroreflection of road markings.
Portable handheld top class retroreflectometer with innovative options for measuring night and day vision of road markings.
Free versatile mapping and data analysis software for the models ZDR 6020 Dynamic Retroreflectometer RL, ZRM 6010 Retroreflectometer RL, ZRM 6013+ Retroreflectometer RL/Qd, ZRM 6014 Retroreflectometer RL/Qd, ZRP 6030+ Retroreflectometer and ZRS 6060 Retroreflectometer
Budget priced user-friendly entry level retroreflectometer with one button operation for measuring night and day visibility.
Portable, precision Reflectometer for measurement of lightness, hiding power of emulsion paints, density, brightness values and luminance factor ß of road markings.
Top class external beam retroreflectometer for measuring night visibility RL in dry condition as well as under standard conditions of continuous wetting of road and airport markings.